Cardfight!! Vanguard Special Series Stride Deckset Messiah
Messiah‟ enters the fray in the standard format!
„Alter Ego Messiah‟, a rival unit from „Cardfight!! Vanguard G‟ will be featured in this product together with other „Link Joker‟ units!
Product Specifications
1 Deckset contains:
・1 Pre-constructed Deck (50 Cards + 13 Cards) [G Deck: 8 Cards, Crest: 1 Card, Extra Cards: 4 Cards]
・1 Short Storage Box
・15 Acrylic Fighter’s Coins
・1 Fighter’s Coin Custom Sticker Sheet (30 Stickers)
Card Types:
19 Types (14 New cards + 5 Reissue cards) + Parallels
*The contents of the parallel cards are fixed
Featured Nation: Brandt Gate